Thursday, January 23, 2014

Ta - Daaaaaa!

Welcome! Welcome, one & all! Don't be shy.
Step right up for your free admission to the freak show that is my mind...

  • Over the last two decades, I've been told on several occasions that I should have my own sitcom based on my life and/or I should write a book. Well, here it is, in my opinion it's the next best thing -- My Very Own Blog! I'm going to be honest, I'm pretty nervous about this new hobby of mine. I love to write. It has always been a source of release for me. Feel free to ask my parents and my husband; every time there was a situation that I did not feel comfortable confronting them about, I would put it all down on paper. Many a times, much to their dismay, I really put it ALL down on paper. If anyone happens to be reading this and you are not familiar with me personally, you will soon realize that I tend to have a flair for the dramatic. I don't remember ever working on a project or event and uttering the words, "Nah, I think that would be over kill." So, while at the moment I am nervous about putting my thoughts out there in the universe in a forum that will allow wild abandonment of carefully filtered sentiments; I'm pretty confident that I have some family and friends who will be praying the rosary more often while asking for divine intervention to keep me from making a spectacle of everyone involved. To all of those that I love dearly, I promise that I will keep your names and situations out of my posts... unless, of course, it is required to explain a back story or it's just too damn good to pass up. In that case, I'm just going to apologize to y'all now for future embarrassment.
  • Right now, I'm pretty excited and my fingers are itching to keep on typing, but unfortunately, I have stayed awake all night designing my page and it's time to jump in the shower and start my day. Before I go, let me leave you with this: While trying to decide on a name for my blog (which by the way, is just a strange word in itself), I ran into several brick walls because the list of names I had originally chosen were already in use. This made me realize that in this world there are several people who think like me! Just let that image marinate in your brain for a moment. If you and I are well acquainted, I'm pretty sure the hair on the back of your neck is standing straight up. Have a great day! I'll be back here later to empty more of the clutter that accumulates in my skull.


  1. Congrats on your new blog! Can't wait to read more :)

    1. Thank you so much for the well wishes & support. That means a lot to me as I try to work my way through this new project of mine.
